Credit by examination is one form of Prior Learning Assessment (PLA). PLA began after World War II when the G. I. Bill provided funds for veterans to go to college. For over 50 years this has been one of the
best-kept secrets in education. For years, people have earned college credit by passing exams that prove they have college-level knowledge of various subjects. Over 2,900 college accept these exams.
SpeedyPrep prepares you to pass 24 CLEP exams for less than $30 a month.
RN NursingPrep prepares you to pass all the required DSST and ECE exams for Excelsior College's Associate Degree in Nursing Program.
The most widely accepted of these exams are:
CLEP College Level Examination Program
DSST DANTES Subject Standardized Tests
ECE Excelsior College Exams